Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Submit to LIT!

Hey gang,

If you were wondering (and I'm sure you are), we're currently accepting submissions of poetry, fiction and nonfiction for LIT 14. We will accept submissions until May and then won't be reading again until September. Here are our mailing address and current masthead, for your convenience:

The New School
Writing Program, Room 514
66 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011

Peter Bogart Johnson & Nicole Steinberg, Editors
Graeme Bezanson, Poetry Editor
Scott Dahlie, Prose Editor
Emily Taylor, Associate Prose Editor
Mark Bibbins, Shanna Compton, Justin Marks & Kathleen Ossip, Editors at Large
David Lehman, Robert Polito & Jackson Taylor, Faculty Advisors
Brian McMullen, Design Consultant

PLEASE READ our new and improved submission guidelines:

- Poetry submissions should be no more than 5 poems or 10 pages.
- Prose submissions should be no longer than 25 pages, double-spaced, single-sided.
- All submissions must include a SASE for reply and a cover letter. Cover letters let us know that you're a real person who actually has some knowledge about LIT. We appreciate that sort of thing. Submissions without cover letters will not be considered.
- Contributors must receive a reply from LIT before submitting new work; additional submissions received before we have sent a reply to a previous submission will be returned unread!
- Our reading periods are from September to mid-December and January to May. Do not submit more than twice in either period.
- We do not consider submissions filed by professional coordinating services.

And on a final note, here are some answers to questions we're been receiving as of late:

- Yes, we will have a proper website soon. The New School is creating a new one for us and we hope to have it up and running by this June. But no promises.
- We're well aware that we're living in the dark ages with paper submissions. We hate them more than you do, believe us. Once our website is up, we will begin the switch to electronic submissions. Until then, keep licking those stamps.
- LIT 12 is running a bit late but will be out this May and will come with a spiffy launch party, so stay tuned for more details. LIT 13's release and launch will take place in the early fall.

Oh, and for any lingering questions or inquiries (but NOT e-mailed submissions, we don't accept those): litmagaz@gmail.com.

LIT 12 is coming!

LIT 12 will be available this April or May. It will feature poetry & prose by...

Stephanie Anderson * Ralph Angel * John Ashbery * Sarah Bartlett * Edward Bartók-Baratta * Ishmael Beah * Francis Benteaux * Dan Boehl * Jessica Breheny * Shira Dentz * Julie Doxsee * Elisa Gabbert * John Gallaher * Daniel George * Dobby Gibson * Noah Eli Gordon * Kurt Haenicke * James Haug * Matthew Henriksen * Donald Illich * Joy Katz * Erica Kaufman * Mark Lawlor * Alex Lemon * Federico García Lorca * Joseph Massey * Clay Matthews * Kristi Maxwell * Kristin McGonigle * Joyelle McSweeney * Sharon Mesmer * Stephen Paul Miller * Gina Myers * Amanda Nadelberg * Carol Novack * Ed Park * Andrew Michael Roberts * Minal K. Singh * Sampson Starkweather * Mathias Svalina * Jen Tynes * Susan Wheeler * Joshua Marie Wilkinson * Dustin Williamson * Allyssa Wolf * Rebecca Wolff

Art by...

Emily Farranto * Pamela Lawton

Featuring an interview with JOHN ASHBERY by Marit MacArthur and critical writing by...

Kacper Bartczak * William Burgos * Roger Gilbert * Daniel Kane * David Kermani * John Koethe * Micaela Morrissette * Dara Wier

Phew. To secure your copy you can SUBSCRIBE to LIT, as well you should. To do so, please send a check or money order made out to LIT to the address below:

The New School
Writing Program, Room 514
66 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011

Single Issue: $8

1-year subscription (2 issues): $14
Save 13% off the cover price!

2-year subscription (4 issues): $25
Save 22% off the cover price!

LIT at AWP 2007 in Atlanta!

Hi, everyone. In an attempt to make our blog a bit more jazzy, enjoy some photos from our editorial staff's recent trip to the AWP 2007 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, from February 28th to March 3rd.

The Downtown Atlanta Hilton, where the conference took place. Swanky.

We shared a table with our friends from Redivider, RealPoetik, Kitchen Press, and Rose Metal Press.

Peter represents for LIT. Word.

The (Da?) New School Boyz: Co-Editor Peter Bogart Johnson, Editor at Large Mark Bibbins, and Poetry Editor Graeme Bezanson.

Our windswept Associate Fiction Editor, Emily Taylor.

LIT 13 Co-Editors Peter Bogart Johnson and Nicole Steinberg.

LIT 12 Editor Justin Marks "officially" passes the torch to the new editors at the So and So South Reading on March 2nd, hosted by Chris Tonelli at Atlanta's Apache Cafe.

LIT 11 contributor Amy King.

LIT 12 contributor Jen Tynes.

Good reading material for sale at the event.

The excited (but very hungry) crowd enjoys the evening.